NZPC guides

NZPC Sex Workers' Collective is a New Zealand wide organisation which is run by sex workers, for sex workers.
NZPC advocates for the rights, health, and well being of all sex workers. We are a grass roots not for profit organisation. We provide information and services for people who are doing sex work or thinking about doing sex work.

NZPC can offer you information about:

  • Safe sex practices for work
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Your rights as a sex worker
  • How to work safely
  • The law on sex work
  • Council bylaws and where you can work
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Tax
  • Contracts
  • Services

NZPC runs community centres where you can drop in for:

  • Support
  • Information
  • New Worker Packs
  • Condoms, water based lubricants, and other safer sex products
  • Free and confidential sexual health clinics for sex workers (Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, referrals in other areas)
  • Needle exchange services (Auckland and Tauranga)
  • Referral services to other useful sex worker friendly agencies
  • Support with employment issues and disputes
  • Support for people who want to change direction, either inside or outside of sex work
  • Our aim is to give you information that can support your rights, safety, health, and well being.

We have many practical tips about being a sex worker
We provide condoms and lube, and other safer sex products
We take confidentiality seriously, so you don’t have to give us your name or ID
There is no joining – if you are a sex worker you already belong
You can come to us or we can come to you – text, phone, or email us here
We can courier safer sex supplies and info to you anywhere in the country
You can come into our community drop in centres during opening hours, without an appointment, and meet us, pick up supplies, ask us questions, have a cup of tea and a chat

We are sex workers past and present, we understand sex work through direct experience, as well as through contact we have with many sex workers on a daily basis. We also have others who provide services – such as the nurses and doctors who work in our clinics.

NZPC has 30+ years of sex workers’ experiences.
NZPC provides free New Worker Packs to sex workers. Both new and experienced sex workers find these useful.
They contain condoms, lube, and other safer sex supplies, as well as essential reading:

  • Stepping Forward – the sex worker’s manual
  • Doing it in Style – tips for transgender sex workers
  • PUMP – Pride and Unity for Male Prostitutes
  • Working in New Zealand – written in Chinese and English

Our guides have information on starting out, or continuing, as a sex worker. Each guide is packed with tips to work safely and smartly: from handling clients, to working with management, resolving disputes, managing risks and staying within the law.

You can collect a New Worker Pack from any of NZPC’s community centers, or we can courier one to you free of charge.

When it comes to managing clients, there are many ”tricks of the trade” which are best kept between sex workers rather than being available to clients and everyone else online, so it’s a great idea to come in and see us directly – you will love our demonstrations.

Immigration Laws Affect Sex Workers and Brothel Operators

If you need a work visa to be employed in New Zealand, you cannot legally come to this country and be a sex worker or brothel operator. If you hold a temporary visa, or if your permanent residency carries a special condition, you can be deported if you get caught working in the sex industry.

It is unlawful to assist anyone under the age of 18 in providing sexual services

If you are under the age of 18, you are not breaking the law if you are in sex work. However, it is illegal for anyone to pay someone under the age of 18 for sex. Brothel operators, clients and even workers aged 18 or over can be fined or imprisoned for facilitating people under the age of 18 into sex work.

NZPC supports all sex workers, whatever their age, gender, or immigration status. We are not here to report you, we are here to help you stay safe.

We use the national (Wellington) phone number and move this profile around the country so sex workers in different areas can see it. You can find our local contact details in your area and find out more by visiting our website